All about Wilderness

Take a break from your cell phone. Take a break from TV. Take a break from social media. Join us for a weekend where you will learn how to survive in the Wilderness.
Use this weekend to be out in God's beautiful creation. To be closer with Him as you learn basic survival skills and techniques.
Friday, October 14th-Sunday, October 16th

Tentative Itinerary

                  Friday, October 14th                 
6:30-7:00pm - Arrival & Orientation to facilities
7:30pm-8:30pm - Basic Survival Skills talk & introduction to survival equipment
8:30pm-10:00pm - Short Devotional, Fireside snack & get to know each other
10:00pm - Showers & Cabin time
11:00pm - Light's Out

                Saturday, October 15th              
7:30-8:30am - Wake up & Muster to Breakfast
8:30-9:15am - Breakfast & announcements
9:15-11:30am - Morning Wilderness Training
11:30am-12:30pm - Free Time
12:30-1:15pm - Lunch
1:15-2:15pm - Bible Study
2:15-4:15pm - Afternoon Wilderness Training
4:15-5:15pm - Personal down time spent in bunks
5:30-6:15pm - Dinner
6:15-8:00pm - Free Time
8:00-9:00pm - Fireside Survival Demonstration & Training
9:00-10:00pm - Campfire Devotional & Snack
10:00-11:00pm - Cabin Time
11:00pm - Light's Out

                 Sunday, October 16th                 
7:30-8:30am - Wake up & Muster to Breakfast
8:30-9:15am - Breakfast & announcements
9:15-11:00am - Wilderness Survival Training
11:00am-12:00pm - Cabin Cleanup & prepare to go home
12:00pm - Farewell

Do you have what it takes?

Can you last all weekend in the great outdoors? Can you survive with just the bare necessities?
Register Today & Find Out!