March 19th-21st

Judi has been born and raised in the Ohio Valley.  She grew up in a strong Christian home serving and working in her local church beside her family.  She dedicated her life to the Lord at a very young age.

As she grew up she alway wanted to be a wife and mother as many young girls do, but most of all she wanted to serve the Lord in ministry.   At the age of 18 she began working with youth in the area and loved watching God move in each of their lives.  Little did she know God was preparing her for a lifelong calling of preaching the Word of God and serving the people of God. 

On September 14, 1991, God brought two very young people together and put their feet on a path that they are still journeying together today. 

Pastoring in the area that she grew up in and taking the Gospel beyond the four walls of the church her husband Michael and her began to do everything they could do to bring the Gospel to people everywhere. 

They have adopted 4 beautiful children and God has worked through their family all over the world.  Serving here locally, traveling across the United States meeting people in the middle of devastating times in their lives.  Then the Lord swings wide the door for the family to travel to Guatemala and Israel...taking the Gospel to both of these countries and seeing God transform lives.

Judi and her family are very excited as God is branching out their ministry even further as they seek to follow the footprints of the Lord everywhere He leads.

Tentative Schedule
6:30pm - Arrival
7:00pm - Campfire

8:00am - Breakfast
9:00am - Worship & Lesson
10:30am - Games/Ice Breakers
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - Worship & Lesson
3:00pm - Activity
5:00pm - Dinner
6:00pm - Campfire & Fellowship

9:30am - Brunch
10:00am - Worship & Lesson
Trail to follow  (optional) 

**Please note that our schedule is tentative and activities/times could change according to God's leading and directing**
